Saturday 24 March 2012

Orchid aftercare

I often get asked about what you should do when your orchid has stopped flowering.  Well, this depends on what type of orchid it is.  For most orchids you cut the stem at the base.  Phalaenopsis, the most common available kind in shops are different.  You cut the stem at a node below where the last flower came from.  This should allow the Phalaenopsis orchid to flower much sooner than if you had cut it from the base.

Watering is also a common question.  For Phalaenopsis orchids I go by the colour of the roots.  If the roots are looking nice and green then they don't need water (this is why you should keep your orchid in a clear pot).  If your orchid's roots are looking a creamy colour and are shrivelling then water is needed.  You probably need to water every 10-14 days.  Either water by dunking in a bucket of water or place the pot in a sink and water from the top.  Make sure that you don't get water in the leaf rosette because this could encourage rot.  Also don't let your orchid sit in excess water because they don't appreciate this.