Wednesday 1 February 2012

Frosty morning

So, it is a long time since I posted anything, and that was not even a proper blog post; just an intro.  I won't let that happen again, and my next blog post will be much sooner.

It was a frosty Sunday morning, so I ventured out for a walk in the woods. I was feeling lazy, so I just put my 18-55mm lens on my camera.  I didn’t feel like carrying my macro lens and tripod, which I am normally never without.  I was so happy with my macro lens that I literally forgot about other lenses. 

The frost left everywhere looking magical.  Even the leaves and dead grasses seemed to come alive.  The ground was frozen solid, so every footstep was accompanied with a crunching sound.

The berries on the ivy, which were coated in frost looked almost good enough to eat.  They look like they'd been dipped in sugar!

I am not a landscape photographer, and don't even pretend to be.  I can't imagine getting up at four in the morning just for the possibility of getting a great shot.  The only thing that would make me get up at that time would be the chance to see a supernova, or the aurora.  The image below, is my attempt at a landscape photography.  It is not perfect but I like how the green gate contrasts with all the brown colours in the image.
 You can see more of my images at my website:

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